Your Future Starts Now!

4-Year Plan


·   Set up an appointment with a staff member in Career Services to explore your talents, HC majors and careers.

·   Register here for the Handshake to read about part-time jobs and internships.

.   Visit Career Services for leads on part-time jobs, to ask about campus employment, and explore summer jobs.

·   Develop your first professional resume.

·   Stop in if you have a question, any question! We will either help you or connect you with someone that will.


·  Connect to set up informational interviews or shadowing with alumni or professionals.

·   Meet with staff in Career Services to learn about career paths and to map out an Experiential Plan (EP).

·   Develop your first professional resume or improve your resume with assistance and resources from Career Services.  

·   Create a LinkedIn account to begin building a personal brand profile using Career Services resources. 

·   Begin making networking connections. Connect to set up informational interviews or shadowing with alumni or professionals. 

·   Begin to research seasonal/part-time employment or internships in your field of interest.

·   Investigate and apply for summer jobs and internships; seek help with finding options and applying.

·   Attend career fairs and networking events to learn about potential employers and opportunities.


·   Discuss career considerations with staff in Career Services.

·   Meet with staff for help writing resumes, learning LinkedIn networking, writing cover letters, and practicing for interviews.

·   Participate in the Alumni Mentoring Program.

·   Practice interviewing skills; arrange a mock interview, use Big Interview online, or participate in a Mock Interview Day.

·   Research companies and work environments and prospective internship sites.

·   Apply to many internships and secure an internship to solidify career options and gain critical experience.

·   Meet HC alumni, identified through Career Services, to discuss transitioning to work or to graduate school.

·   Upload your resume to Handshake; have it critiqued and proofread before using them.

·   Attend career fairs and related events to research potential future employers and opportunities.

·   If considering graduate school, research and prepare for entrance exams; take a practice entrance exam; consult with a faculty advisor.


·   Schedule an appointment with Career Services for a Senior Check-In meeting. 

·   Update your resume and profile in Handshake to be included in senior resume digital books.

·   Consult regularly  with Career Services regarding your job search.

·   Continue to talk and meet with professionals - relationships are key to landing a great job.

·   Work with Career Services to develop skills and a plan for a comprehensive job search.

·   Use Career Services to explore potential employers, find the best sources for vacancies, get help with LinkedIn,       

    resumes, cover letters and applications, and practice interviewing skills.